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web publishing software

"...easy, low-cost Web publishing software to create a database-derived site that doesn't require any complex Web database infrastructure."
- MacWorld Magazine

WebMerge - web publishing software

WebMerge lets you export your data to HTML, generating static Web pages from database files. Build catalogs, affiliate marketing sites, contact lists, image galleries and more, quickly and easily.

WebMerge is the Web publishing software that works with nearly any database or spreadsheet data, including FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Access, AppleWorks, and Excel. Generated pages can be hosted on any Web server without the need for costly and complicated database hosting.

With this latest version we've made WebMerge even faster and easier to use than ever before.

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MacWorld review for Web publishing software

What's New
What's New

WebMerge 2.7 In Testing!

WebMerge 2.7 has now begun internal testing, with public testing to begin within a week or two.

The new version offers nested IF statements, improved Unicode support, Secure FTP, and many other enhancements for improved performance and compatibility on all supported platforms.

Version 2.7 will be another free upgrade for all current WebMerge customers who've purchased within the last year, and its new foundation paves the way for v3.0 coming later in the year.

Got a feature suggestion for these version? Drop us a note.

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Fourth World Garage

Build and test your web applications on a lean, green dev sever machine.

The latest edition of Fourth World's toolkit for LiveCode is here.

Still technically in Beta, we use it daily to enhance our workflow.

Free - check it out.