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WebMerge - Publish your database to the Web  WebMerge Gallery

Here's a sampling of what people are building with WebMerge...

Add your WebMerge-assisted site

"I've used WebMerge to build just about every page on our site. I wanted to go with a static page front end, so it was more friendly with search engine robots, as well as browser compatibility and ease of use. Having our entire inventory already in a FileMaker database meant that the WebMerge solution was a perfect match for what I wanted. Now with a click of a button in FileMaker, it runs a script to automatically export and upload entire product categories in seconds. I can make a change in our inventory database (price, photo, description text, etc) and have it reflected on our web site almost immediately. WebMerge has been an invaluable tool in the 2 last major revisions of our web store, and I expect to continue using it for years to come! Our customers continuously compliment us on our well-managed site. Keep up the great work!"
Jim Smentowski
The Robot MarketPlace

"WebMerge makes adding new content in our Wedding Flowers Magazine effortless - we can change page templates, add new content and then publish hundreds of pages within minutes.

We've used it to create linked galleries of wedding flower pictures and to update our FAQ pages.

An efficient and cost effective tool for any web masters toolkit."

Cath Jones
My Wedding Flower Ideas

"Without this software and the guidance and support from Richard and the awesome people at 4th World I can not imagine how many man hours and tears it would have taken to create this site.

If you are deciding if you need this product to get the job done, well let me tell you something, YOU DO!
This product deserves all the kudos that it receives and then some."
Darryl Freeman
Freeman & Associates Consulting

"As I sat at my computer, frustrated at having to modify and then check several hundred HTML pages manually, I wished for a tool that would help. What I found was WebMerge. I went from wondering if I'd gotten the change into every page to knowing every item page had the same formatting. I could blither on for hours about all the cool things I can now do because WebMerge makes making changes and updates easy, but I think I'll simply say:

WebMerge is an incredible tool for making webpages and changes in webpages fast, easy, stress free. Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for giving us WebMerge."

Lin Daniel

"Navy Blue Club, an italian sailing club, has always needed an up to date site reporting any new event and news.

Web Merge is wide used in this site to build almost all the pages."
Paolo Veronelli
Optimist Studio Grafico

"Great program. Once you get your head round multi-tier templates updating your site is a breeze. I shall be using this software for all my websites and shall recommend it to clients too."
Paul Walton

"50,000 pages made easily with webmerge - thank you."
Richard Oranje
IRO ORanje

"This product works incredibly quickly and smoothly. I outputted 19,000 hotel records neatly and quickly into templates that were extremely easy to put together. Workflow is actually fun now - watching this thing make a huge interlinked and organised website that rocks in the search engines all at the press of a button and in under a minute is such a pleasure!"
G. Hall

"I searched high and low to find a simple solution to the conversion of my FileMaker Pro files into pages that don't look like some kind of database junk listings.

"WebMerge is still the best solution I have seen yet. I use weekly to generate 41 different categories of items into 200+ pages for my web site in about 90 seconds.

Great program!"

JW Freeman
JWMercantile, LLC

"We used WebMerge to generate static html pages from our sites dynamic database content which couldn't be spidered by the search engines due to session IDs. The whole process is now automated, our pages are search engine friendly, and our sales have more than doubled thanks to WebMerge!"
Nigel Sachdev

"Using WebMerge, I was able to take an Excel product list and convert it into an elegant four-level website that's easy to update and maintain. Page sub-section headers that categorize items on the second and third levels are all controlled by flags and grouping variables exported from Excel and processed by WebMerge."
Victor Joaquin
Funky Fridge

"I made the WC Magnetics site in five hours with WebMerge.

"The client had decided to do away with their softcart store and that was how all the product pages etc. were generated.

"Your product was exactly what i needed to recreate the site sans store programming.

Liz Willner
dog and bone design

"This is a GREAT product . . . powerful, logical, intuitive, and reasonably priced. I love it.

"I found WebMerge by searching for something like "mail merge" but for web pages. I thought I might find something, but I never expected to find something done by SMART PEOPLE.

"Thank you. I totally relate to what you've done."

Karen Kaiser

"I must say...this is a beautiful thing! WOW!
This will save us so much time!"
Nina Christensen
Talaria Enterprises Museum Store

"...the best system I've come across for getting our data on the web. And I am particularly impressed by WebMerge's handling of long fields (some of ours are up to 50,000 characters).

"On my first use of the full program yesterday, WebMerge generated 4.5MB of clean, error free HTML in less than 9 seconds. Pretty impressive."

Ben Campbell
London Review of Books

"Every once in a while I find a new Webmastering tool that takes my work to a whole new level. WebMerge is that kind of tool!"

Franklin Baer

"WebMerge helped me create several thousand pages under a very tight deadline.

"What began a life-saving tool is now an essential part of our regular workflow. Thanks!"

David F. Bills
Director, Online Communications
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)

"Webmerge is one of the best written programs I have seen for a long time. With most software I use, it never seems to be written the way I would have written it myself. Webmerge changes all this! It a very neat program that does exactly what they say it will and more. Everything seems to have been thought about. On the one occassion I used technical support I had an in-depth reply within a few hours from someone who really new what they were talking about.

"Congratulations! - Hopefully one day all software will
be written like this."

Stuart Morley
System Insight - The Inkjet Specialists

"Love it! Can't live without it!"
Ann Daman
The Big Picture

"Thanks to your excellent software and serch engine optimisation, the Chamber's website has increased daily visitors from 8 to more than 200 (+2400%) in less than two months.

"Your tool is the best static publishing software for search engine optimisation."

Fabio Fatuzzo
Trade Officer
Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
in Australia Inc.

"WebMerge lets us keep our FAQ updated easily."
Scott Kinder
ResearchWare, Inc.

"WebMerge worked its magic on 50,000 records at a crack, never missing a beat. Thanks again for a great product, and great support!"
Gregory Judd
Benefits Information Group

"I just purchased the program after trying out the free demo, and all I can say is I wish I'd found you years ago!

"Webmerge is simple to operate and will save me months of tedious manual work.

"Thanks for creating a product for the real needs of webmasters."
David Ross
Britain Express - The UK Travel and Heritage Guide

"Just wanted to thank you for Webmerge. We are using it in at least four different areas on our public service site.

"Webmerge allowed us to get a lot of information posted quickly without the expense and expertise required for a server-side database.

"Must be doing something right, because we're now getting about a thousand home page hits a day. Thanks again. "
Mark Miller
Regional Director, ICFDA
Website Administrator,

"I love WebMerge and have been using it for years. I recently redid my postcard site to use valid xhtml and css. WebMerge had no problems with supporting this. Thanks for offering such a well made product."
Mary Lu Wason
Lobster Lu's Antique Postcards

"WebMerge happens to be just the product I was looking for, and will cut hours off generating my Web pages."
Gary Allen
DISPATCH Monthly Magazine

And here's a few things people say about WebMerge...

"...easy, low-cost Web publishing software to create a database-derived site that doesn't require any complex Web database infrastructure."

"One of the best apps in my arsenal. Flat-file pages are served up much faster than dynamic sites, so this is a perfect solution unless your data changes constantly. Regular updates, and the author's quality of customer service deserves five stars alone."

4 Stars at VersionTracker

"Very impressive. With just a few clicks, I 've turned my flat files into HTML pages saving a lot of time. We used to make pages manually or write a programm on a per project basis. Now, WebMerge does all the work. Sure you can import files into tables in GoLive, but WebMerge can also sort and generate new page when the specified key changes! And that's what we were looking for. And FW doesn't charge for upgrade! I would pay."

4 Stars at VersionTracker

"Great product, great support.

"Used this program for a number of CD ROM projects where databases wouldn't work but laboriously creating HTML wasn't in the budget.

"Works as advertised and when I had suggestions and comments received prompt support responses.

"Also the author keeps improving the program.

"Use this once and you more than recoup it's cost.. overall great!"

4 Stars at VersionTracker

"Great program! I highly recommmend downloading the free trial. It is fabulous."

4 Stars at VersionTracker

"Easy and good for new webmaster."

4 Stars at VersionTracker

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4 Mice at MacWorld

Four Stars at HotScripts

4 Stars at VersionTracker

5 out of 5 at FileTransit

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