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WebMerge - Publish your database to the Web  WebMerge Support Resources

WebMerge worked its magic on 50,000 records at a crack,
never missing a beat. Thanks again for a great product,
and great support!
Gregory Judd
Benefits Information Group

Download the Latest Version for Free

If you have any trouble with WebMerge make sure you have the latest version. WebMerge is updated often, and registered customers of version 2.0 or later get free updates for at least one year.

View WebMerge Help

The free download of WebMerge includes more than 80 pages' worth of documentation, from a brief overview of how to use the program to details on how to use each feature and tag. These help files are available here for you to check out before you download (opens in a new window).

Read the WebMerge FAQ

As WebMerge's popularity grows, we're compiling a list of frequently-asked questions and updating it from time to time as needed.

WebMerge Support Forum

We have a discussion forum where you can ask questions, trade tips and get advice from other WebMerge users, and suggest new features.

Third-Party Tutorials

These tutorials were written by some of the most active contributors in our support forum, focusing on building multi-tier web sites using WebMerge:

Web-Procreate WebMerge Tutorial

Contact Technical Support

Registered users of WebMerge are elligible for technical support for the first year. If you have a problem not addressed in the documentation or the WebMerge FAQ please contact us so we can work with you to resolve it quickly.

WebMerge is THAT tool of the year for me, because it takes some very tedious work away. I have longed for such a tool for years."
Roland Koppel
Netz.werk GmbH, Switzerland

Buy WebMerge

Download the free trial version now!

How WebMerge works with your database and Web tools.

See what people are doing with WebMerge.

Technical support information for registered users.

Build complex sites with expert assistance.

4 Mice at MacWorld

Four Stars at HotScripts

4 Stars at VersionTracker

5 out of 5 at FileTransit

Speak Up!

Each new release of WebMerge is driven by requests from people like you.

If there's a feature you'd like to see, drop us a note or use our Feedback Form.