4W WebMerge Tag Reference


[WM-LinkPrevious] Link Label [/WM-LinkPrevious]

[WM-LinkPrevious]Go to Previous Record[/WM-LinkPrevious]

This tag is used only in detail templates.

The HTML between [WM-LinkPrevious] and [/WM-LinkPrevious] is replaced with a link to the page generated from the previous record in the export file.

If the current page is being generated from the first record, the text between the opening and closing tags is not written to the generated page.

Used in conjunction with WM-LinkPrevious, WM-LinkNext, and WM-LinkLast you can easily build page-to-page navigation into your detail pages.

All navigation tags allow you to include attributes in the tag which will be included in the generated link. For example, to specify a target in a navigation tag you'd write:

   [WM-LinkPrevious: target="_blank"]Prev Page[/WM-LinkPrevious]

...which would generate:

   <a href="page002.html" target="_blank">Prev Page</a>

Introduced in version 2.0.
Version 2.2 introduced support for link attributes.